Drawing Upon The Right to Privacy To Craft Laws to Protect Genetic Information
2008 (Unfinished)
2008 (Unfinished)
The value of privacy to individuals and society as a whole has historically absorbed the interest of scholars from disciplines that vary from religion to politics; oftentimes scientific or technological discoveries create new perspectives on privacy in our lives which raise ethical and legal concerns. The completion of the sequencing of the human genome and the resulting scientific advancements which have been made that have enabled ready access to information about one's deoxyribonucleic acid ("DNA"), present unique challenges to defining legal privacy protections...
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An Alternative to Intellectual Property Laws in Pharmacogenomics
International Journal of the Humanities
International Journal of the Humanities
The completion of a high quality comprehensive sequence of the human genome has lead to the discovery of genetic links to complex diseases and the development of target drugs. Population databases which have been used in research for many decades can now be analyzed for genetic variations at the DNA level and links to simple and complex diseases can be made. Population genetic databases (PGDs) are a powerful resource to the systematic study of the genetic component of disease; the benefits to society from this science are far reaching.Through an analysis of current database protection laws, patent law and the open source biotechnology movement this paper examines how laws and norms can impact innovation in the field of pharmacogenomics.
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A Call From the Panopticon to the Judicial Chamber “Expect Privacy!”
May 2006
Legal privacy and security issues in information technology - volume 1
May 2006
Legal privacy and security issues in information technology - volume 1
Privacy is necessary in order for one to develop physically, mentally and affectively. Autonomy and self definition have been recognized by the United States Supreme Court as being values of privacy. In our technologically advanced, and fear driven society, however, our right to privacy has been severely eroded. Due to encroachment by government and business we have a diminished expectation of privacy. This article examines the detriments to self and society which result from a reduced sphere of privacy, as well as offering a modest suggestion for a method to reintroduce an improved conception of privacy into citizens lives.
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Global Aspects of Cyberlaw
January 2006
Handbook of Information Security: Information Warfare, Social, Legal, and International Issues and Security Foundations, Volume 2
January 2006
Handbook of Information Security: Information Warfare, Social, Legal, and International Issues and Security Foundations, Volume 2
As we stand firmly in the 2Ist century, we can see that the Internet has transformed from a research network into a viable commercial marketplace. The legal framework of the Internet has also undergone significant changes from the time when John Perry Barlow declared: Governments of the Industrial World. you weary giants of flesh and steel, !come from Cyberspace, the new home of the Mind. On behalf of the future. I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.
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Exploring the Key Informational, Ethical and Legal Concerns to the Development of Population Genomic Databases for Pharmacogenomic Research
June 2005
InSITE 2005: Informing Science + IT Education Conference
June 2005
InSITE 2005: Informing Science + IT Education Conference
The completion of a high quality comprehensive sequence of the human genome has lead to the discovery of genic links to complex diseases and the development of target drugs. Population genetic databases (PGDs) are a powerful resource to the systematic study of the genetic components of disease; in the quest to understand the impact of genetic factors on drug response data from laboratory experiments, computational methods and clinical studies must be integrated. The establishment of a pharmacogenomics knowledge base entails complex information management balanced with the appropriate legal end ethical standards...
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Exploring the Role of Digital Currency in the Retail Payments System
New England Law Review
New England Law Review
Advanced telecommunications and computer technology have been moving trillions of dollars around the world each day for many years. The technology for electronic retail payments is here and society's demand for it is burgeoning. These payment transactions must be as transparent, convenient and secure for customers and merchants as cash, checks and credit cards. Our current legal and regulatory payments infrastructure is based upon principles of paper negotiability, which is not suited to deal with the commercial electric future. While private contracts and procedures will be established there is a need a clear and uniform rules which address the risk and liability in a digital currency transaction.
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Why Patenting Information Technology and Business Methods Is Not Sound Policy: Lessons From History and Prophecies for the Future
Winter 2002
Hamline Law Review
Winter 2002
Hamline Law Review
As participants in an information society we not only depend upon receiving timely, tailored and accurate data, we expect that improvements will be made to the quality and expediency of Information delivery in the future. Internet infrastructure that fuels the transmission of data and has created a several billion-dollar e-commerce industry has developed at an unprecedented rate. The Internet's success is attributed to the many entrepreneurs and innovators who have eagerly joined in its making. While Internet policymakers and stakeholders agree that continued research and development of the mechanisms and processes to improve the network of networks is desirable, there is a polarity of opinion among experts regarding the appropriate treatment of information as intellectual property, particularly when it is utilized or applied primarily in cyberspace.
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Designing Legislation to Facilitate Electronic Commerce on the Internet
February 1997
Rhode Island Bar Journal
February 1997
Rhode Island Bar Journal
Technological advancement has historically been an impetus for social change. In the past 40 years computers and more recently digitalization have transformed our lives. The commercial practice of law is responding to the challenge which technology is imposing on traditional notions of contract, banking and securities law. Companies' exchange of information electronically increases the speed. accuracy and efficiency of commercial transactions. Electronic data Interchange (EDI), which uses closed networks, has become a practical necessity for thousands businesses worldwide. A separate but parallel development is the commercialization of the internet which is an open network system. There are currently more than 30,000 companies which use the internet to conduct business. The first part of this article describes the increasing popularity of electronic commerce which may be conducted on the internet. The second part of this article examines the difficulties in implementing a reliable internet payment system.
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The Dilemma of the Drug-Exposed Newborn: An Analysis of the Trend Away From Punitive Action Toward Treatment Intervention
June 1994
Rhode Island Bar Journal
June 1994
Rhode Island Bar Journal
In the United States 375.000 babies are born each year who have been envied to illicit drugs in utero.' In Rhode Island. approximately 1,520 babies a year 1 or out of every 10 have been exposed. The social and legal Problems of crack babies or drug addicted babies have attracted the attention of the media, the medical community, social service agencies, state legislatures, prosecutors, and Congress. Indeed, women have been criminally indicted for the deaths of their children when 1) a drug-addicted woman disobeyed her doctor's orders and 2) death was the result of intrauterine drug exposure.
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